Hamsters The hamster which is most commonly kept in captivity is the Syrian golden hamster. Beside the Syrian golden hamster, a number of Asiatic dwarfhamsters are kept as well. The European hamster is a protected species and because of its agressive behavior not suitable as pet. Hamsters are real solitaries. Only when in contact with others of their own sort from an arly age, it is possible to limit the fighting. In breeding periods, hamsters should always be housed separately. Hamsters are grain eaters, but in nature they regularly also eat worms and insects. They carry their food in their cheeks pouches away from the finding place and 'hamster' for bad times.
Mistura especial de sementes seleccionadas e outros ingredientes essenciais para uma alimentação saudável dos animais roedores.
O produto ideal para actuar como fortificante das fêmeas em gestação, durante a cria, quando os filhotes começam a comer e em idade avançada.
Gatos adultos com actividade moderada.
Sera Raffy P is the staple food consisting of carefully processed floating granules for carnivorous reptiles such as terrapins.
Alimentador automático programável, com ligação WiFi.
Dieta para auxilio gastrointestinal.
Ninho exterior para canários
O alimento granulado para peixes de lago de grande tamanho